Eight at Eight Dinner Club has been a remarkable success over the past 10 years, beginning in Atlanta and now having expanded to six cities nationwide. Now the matchmakers from Eight at Eight are launching their newest venture, One-on-One Matchmaking!
One-on-One departs from our group dating concept to provide an unprecedented level of individualized attention. You tell us the type of person you're looking for and we track he or she down and set you up. Looking for an outdoors-y movie buff who has an advanced degree and enjoys travel? No problem. Seeking a tall tennis fanatic who is anything but an attorney? We can handle it.
One-on-One provides the type of face-time that other dating services cannot match. Anybody can set you up, but One-on-One coaches you up. We can coordinate wardrobe overhauls and personal style consultations. We can even provide you with a personal trainer to help you carry out those New Year's Resolutions. We do more than just help find your ideal partner, we help you find the ideal You!
We announced ourselves with an ultra-exclusive singles-only party. Check out our Flckr album for the photos from the kickoff of One-on-One Matchmaking.