Monday, May 11, 2009

What IS the past tense of Tweet?

I'm not (yet) on board with Twitter. I'll plainly admit it: I'm a Facebook junkie, but I just don't quite "get" twitter. It seems to do the exact same thing as my status update on Facebook, but with none of the cool pictures, videos, etc. Plus, it seems to be increasingly a form of mini-celebrity stalking. And when people like Glenn Beck are on board with Twitter, how "cool" can it really be?

The very funny girls at 2 Birds, 1 Blog have chimed in on Twitter, spelling out our fascination with both famous people and minutae, before ultimately deciding that Twitter is good thing, because it can aid in getting people some loving.

Compelling argument, ladies. However, for the moment I'm going to abstain (pun!) and remain the last guy on my block NOT on Twitter. That's not to say that I won't venture over to the dark side sometime very soon, but, for now, I'm steadfastly in (semi-)opposition. I leave you with a counter example that pretty sums up my feelings on tweeting...