Monday, April 20, 2009

Ladies: see how the other half lives...

It came as a surprise to many of us in the office when we purused a few copies of Men's Health magazine. Expecting wall-to-wall workout posters and ads for protein powder (which were indeed there), we found a remakable amount of Cosmo-like content. For instance, there was no shortage of articles about meeting/seeking/dating/bedding members of the opposite sex. How to rev her engine, how to date a co-worker, how to dress for a first-date: they were all there. What's really interesting is just how eerily reversible these male/female roles are.

Both sexes, it would seem, are concerned with their bedroom performance, making the right impression, or what the proper etiquette is when a few dates reveal no real chemistry. Despite all the outward differences, men and women are really all fighting the same battle of juggling family, friends, careers, and love lives. Sure, the dress code and the perception might be a bit different, but, deep down, everyone is looking for the same thing. Companionship, feeling comfortable with someone, avoiding awkwardness--these all seem to be universals in the dating world.
So, for your amusement, we've included a twelve-question quiz from the Men's Health website to demonstrate just how much in common their bathroom reading has with that of women. Guys: take the quiz and see how you do. Women readers should give it a shot as well, just to see what the other side of the dating game looks and feels like. Go ahead, waste a little company time!