Friday, October 24, 2008

Dating Horror Stories

Special Halloween Edition!

As was I sitting in the office sucking down all the mini-Snickers that were supposed to be for trick-or-treaters, I began to get in the Halloween spirit. I started contemplating all the usual Halloween topics--favorite scary movies, best costumes, old school ghost stories, etc. This got me thinking: what about dating horror stories. We all have them, and, being that this a dating blog, it certainly would be apropos. I remembered this little gem from The San Francisco Chronicle that appeared a few years ago about the foibles on online dating. Take a look. It's funny stuff!

I'll be sticking with this theme for the duration of the month, tossing out bits of Halloween-themed tidbits. I love Halloween -- maybe its the devil in me.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Love Songs, Etc.

It's a dreary, rainy day here at the office. A disc jockey at a local radio station commented that this gray mess is perfect "love makin'" weather. I don't take issue with his correlation of "nookie" and rainy days. What I do have a problem with is the song choice that followed. I'm sure you've guessed it already-- Marvin Gaye, "Let's Get It On." It's a certified classic, no arguments here, but its time to retire it. Its a cliche of itself. Boring white septuagenarian dentists can sing every word. Not to mention, there are far better (and sexier) songs in the Marvin Gaye oeuvre. A staw poll here at the office reveals a stronger preference for "You're All I Need to Get By" and "Sexual Healing."

All of this discussion brought us to this: what other sacred cows in the love song genre need to taked down, or, perhaps, just out of rotation for a few years. Here are a few tired songs and our suggested replacements. Feel free to chime in. (You're right... we do a whole lot of goofing off at work.)

Get rid of it: "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin
Substitute: "I'll Be Your Lover Too" by Van Morisson

Get rid of it: "Every Breath You Take" by The Police
Substitute: "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak

Get rid of it: Anything by Sade
Substitute: Anything by Maxwell

Get rid of it: "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers
Substitute: "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker

Get rid of it: "A Groovy Kind of Love" by Phil Collins
Substitute: "I've Got Dreams to Remember" by Otis Redding.

No arguing:
"At Last" by Etta James
"Bring It On Home to Me" by Sam Cooke
"Your Song" by Elton John

Let us know what you think. This has prompted a rather heated discussion here at Eight at Eight Headquaters! And here's hoping that the weather improves. If it doesn't, well... I'm sure you can find something to occupy your time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dating Etiquette During Election Season

I know, I know: when vetting potential partners, you need to know about their political views. I get that. However, there is a time and a place! More than a few otherwise charming and adorable singles have been written off due to their political fervor that is, quite frankly, off putting. To that end, we've brainstormed this idea at the office and came up with some do's and do-not's until you pull the election lever.

1) Never assume someone shares your opinion.
Example: "Can you believe that [candidate x] wants to [insert controversial proposal here]? I mean, the nerve, right?

2) Asking someone's party affiliation might not fly until after the 1st month milestone.
If your conversations with potential matches go something like this, you may be in trouble.

You: Hi, I'm Karen.
Him: I'm David.
You: Nice to meet you, David. What do you do?
Him: I'm an investment banker.
You: Oh, yeah? That's interesting.
Him: What about y---
You: (interrupting) Democrat or Republican?
Him: Wow, I was just...
You: (interrupting) Answer the question, flip-flopper!

3) As a rule, politics and religion make poor conversation fodder.
Yeah, I get it: the weather is dull. But you know what? Dull has never offended anyone, either. Politics might fly a little better on odd-numbered years, but during election season, everyone is a bit more inclined to tear your head off. Think about it: the pundits on cable news can't even speak in a civil manner about elections, so how can two strangers, particularly when after the second pinot noir?

4) Opposites attract, so don't shut the door on those who disagree with you.
Think: Carville and Matalin. Political differences can be overcome, but don't make that the first hurdle. Focus on someone's personality, their manners, hell, their looks! In general, its tough to seek only those who match you perfectly on ever idea and hobby. Imagine the difficulty of finding a lapse-Catholic, rock-climbing, vegan, Libertarian, Harley-enthusist, competitive video gaming, scrapbooking attorney who has a 401(k) and loves dogs, but not cats. Good luck with that...

As always, we return to our mantra of sorts: be yourself, relax, extend others some courtesy, and you'll be fine. And maybe you should consider leaving the Obama or McCain "flair" at home.